ET Vision/Mission/Job Opportunity
- To train talented and knowledgeable students, trainees and skilled workers according to local needs.
Expert to train high quality and knowledgeable students and trainees. Continue to provide short-term training courses tailored to local needs; To increase employment opportunities.
- Skilled workers for electrician
- House wiring installation workers
No | Subject | Code |
1 | Myanmar | M-101 |
2 | English | E-101 |
3 | Mathematics | Ma-101 |
4 | Physics | Ph-101 |
5 | Chemistry | Ch-101 |
6 | Electrical Principles | ET-101 |
7 | Electrical Installations | ET102 |
No | Subject | Code |
1 | English | E-201 |
2 | Maths | Ma-201 |
3 | Electrical Drive & Machine | ET-201 |
4 | Electrical Automation &Control | ET-202 |
ET Practical Photos